If you are like us at Busara, you are probably overwhelmed at the amount of information coming at you about this pandemic.  In addition, you are probably facing additional challenges of working from home in the face of a lockdown. The following is a list of some of the best resources we have found to help you navigate this unchartered territory.  We have links to resources on:

  • Leadership & Managing People Remotely
  1. https://bit.ly/33Ij4cr : This is a thoughtful article on the type of leadership we need in the time of COVID19. If you are wondering whether you are offering your team or organisation the right type of leadership at this moment, check out the list provided in this article to ensure you are on track.
  1. https://bit.ly/3a7zywC : An Excellent piece by HBR on managing people remotely.  Identifies some the challenge and then provides 5 ways that managers can support remote employees
  1. https://bit.ly/3a8uh7V: Very useful suggestions on leading remote workers.  Provides the 3 Cs of remote leadership: Clarity, Communication and Connection.
  • Managing Team Work Virtually
  1. https://youtu.be/H9LSopkLbpw : If you are struggling to keep your virtual team coordinated and moving in the right direction, this is the video for you.  Very practical suggestions on questions to ask each team member to stay on track on what they are doing and keep everyone on the same page.
  1. https://bit.ly/3cfFXqQ : If your team is under pressure to deliver results on a project even though you are working remotely, you will find this article from the Project Management Institute, very useful.  It’s quite long but has all the elements you will need to ensure that your team is high performing even though you may all be in different locations
  • Working Remotely
  1. https://bbc.in/2XHcEtr : Useful suggestions on how to stay productive when you are working from home.  Just learned the term “WFH” veteran in this article. Yup it means; Working from Home (WFH) veteran.
  1. https://cnb.cx/3b9JJSl : Specific tips on how to work from home when you have young children to contend with at the same time.
  1. https://bit.ly/2K4eI6v : The face-to-face interview you were scheduled for has now been changed to a virtual interview.  Excellent suggestions in this article on how to rock the interview even through you will be on the other end of a computer.
  1. https://bit.ly/3ekbk5q : Very useful tips on how to balance remote working while your family is at home.  I love her focus on being practical and prioritising.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  1. https://bit.ly/3b8EH8Z : Great suggestions by a psychiatrist who specialises in anxiety on how to deal with the stress and anxiety related to COVID 19
  1. https://bit.ly/2ySvuDh :COVID 19 has meant that many of us are trying things for the first time.  We may be working remotely for the first time or using new technology to hold virtual meetings and it’s scary.  This is a great podcast from the Queen of Vulnerability Brene Brown on key steps to overcome the fear of doing something for the first time.

Let us know in the comments which of these resources do you find the most useful and do not forget to subscribe and connect with us on social media for more leadership tips.