Aren’t you tired of hearing about bad leadership in Africa? I am bored by stories about corrupt politicians and authoritarian despots on this continent? We don’t define America by Donald Trump, so why should bad leaders define leadership in Africa?

These autocrats only capture one story of leadership in Africa. There are other more interesting stories about leadership in Africa. These are stories about strong effective leaders who are making a difference in the countries and diverse sectors in which they work. I no longer want to talk about what’s NOT working with respect to leadership in Africa. Instead, I want to talk about what works and what is effective.

What I see everyday as I work with CEOs, managers and aspiring leaders is a growing tribe of Africans who are committed to leading differently. They have let go of the “Oga at the top” caricature and are instead using more empowering, transformative leadership approaches relevant to their context. I am launching this blog for those of you who are part of this tribe or would like to join this tribe. It is for those looking for ideas, solutions and tips for leading better in the African context.

As a leadership development specialist, I devour all the latest books, blogs, podcasts, tweets and articles on leadership. Majority of the time the information is quite good. But too often they don’t speak to my context – Africa. What works as a leader in New York, may not work in Accra or in Nairobi. Leadership is situational. Another purpose of this blog, therefore, is to share what works in leadership in the African context.

I will be sharing stories, practical suggestions and tips gathered from the amazing leaders I encounter in my training, facilitation and coaching practice. I hope this blog can create a space where the tribe of those who are leading differently can share, encourage and dare each other to even better leadership.

Yes I am an Afro-optimist, or whatever they call those of us today who still believe that there is great hope for Africa. And yes, I do believe that leadership is the key to unlocking that greatness. So join me on this journey. Let’s redefine leadership in Africa today.